Sunday, February 28, 2016

UPDATE: Macedonia re-opens border. But NOT to Afghans

Europe's borders are closing in piecemeal. Macedonia has reopened its border, but only to Iraqi and Syrian "migrants." That means no more Afghans. The rest of Europe will certainly be happy to not be receiving any more Afghans, as Afghans have proven to be much more prone to violent crime and brawls than most other refugees. This restriction is in addition to forbidding 'migrants' from all other countries as well, including North Africa, Eritrea, Somalia, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Macedonia said it would allow up to 350 "migrants" to pass through its borders every day. That's not very much. Meanwhile, it's estimated that about 20,000 "migrants" are now stranded in Greece. 

This chart, made by Greek 'open borders' groups, gives an idea of how many migrants are still in Greece. It's safe to assume that most of these people are no longer allowed to pass through the Balkan Route. Where they will go, I have no idea yet. Stay tuned, will update. 

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